Friday, June 4, 2010

Every REAL Leader Does These 5 Things On A Daily Basis

The internet and network marketing industry is filled with so called, self proclaimed leaders. All of a sudden those that have read Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring book think they are instant leaders on attraction marketing. Just because someone reads something does not qualify them as a leader. A leader is known more by what he does than what he says. To help you move forward in your business I will share 5 network marketing tips that leaders do on a daily basis.

5 Things Leaders Do Daily
1. Visualize your goal and what you desire
This may sound a little hokey dokey but understand this network marketing tip will actually set the tone for all the other steps. I recommend doing this when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Put yourself in the space of ALREADY achieving your goals. Meditate, feel, taste, and smell the outcome. if you do it right this part will become so real to you that it will move you to the next step.

2. Income producing activities
This particular network marketing tip is considered a compromising area for most. Some think that if they are checking their email, organizing their desk, planning the day, training reps, and talking on the phone to their downline about any and everything that they are being productive. Not true at all. In the internet network marketing world the only TWO things that make you money are: taking massive action on marketing and speaking to qualified prospects on the phone. Period point blank end of story.

3. Personal development, self mastery
One of the biggest network marketing tips is that you have to work on yourself more than you work on your business. This means every single day reading or listening or watching something that will better you as a leader. There is always enough time in the day. Turn off the tv, put down the newspapers, and garbage novels. At lunch if you have an iPod or iPhone put on your headsets and listen to Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, or whoever you choose. Allow their words and beliefs to transform you into a better leader.

4. Mastermind with other leaders
For us in the network marketing/direct sales industry this means getting on all the conference calls that our respective companies have. It's not feasable to always have events so this is the best way. Look at it as you are a part of a mastermind group. You can learn from those that are where you want to be.

5. Position myself at the top (Cultivating the expectation of leadership)
Depending on the company you are with there may be different levels that you can join at. As a leader you want to set the culture on your team to always play from the top. If you don't have the money to get at the top then work your butt off finding ways to get it or to climb your way through the ranks. Leaders understand that those that typically get in the MLM business at a lower position will not take the business seriously. Always fight to get to the top no matter what.

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